Media Monday

October 17, 2022

Open Parachute Pilot Program Supports Well-Being of Pikeland Students

During the 2021-2022 school year, the Tracy Foundation began to communicate and coordinate a resource for area schools to support student, teacher and community well-being.  Open Parachute is an online resource housing a series of lessons and videos to support all individuals as they navigate experiences such as disappointment, loss, friendships, grief, bullying, and belonging. The Tracy Foundation has provided the funding for the purchase of the program for use during the 2022-2023 school year. 

As the details of the pilot program rolled out, Pikeland readily began to work with the Tracy Foundation to pilot the lessons this past spring and with summer school students.  Today, educators from Pikeland, Brown County, Macomb, Virginia, Western, and Winchester trained with the founder of the program, Dr. Hayley Watson.   Teachers and administrators spent time understanding the importance of creating learning environments optimizing the natural habits and patterns within the brain.   This training opportunity was also coordinated and financially possible because of the Tracy Foundation.

Parents and caregivers should anticipate additional communications from their child’s school regarding this programming.  Parents and caregivers can use the link below to learn more about this opportunity.

Open Parachute